Since foundation, we have been dedicated to study and research new products, new processing technology to satisfy the updating requirements of the world, and also we continuously digest and learn from the world advanced science technology and leading process. We are always standing firm ahead domestically in the plastic-extruder field as the pioneering representative. With years of experience in design and fabrication, we newly developed LM series extrusion lines, which realized the high efficiency extrusion idea "high precision control, high efficiency production, high quality production".
Through ISO9001-2008 quality certification, CE certification, SGS certification and GOST certification for Commonwealth of Independent States, strict following the standards of modern enterprise, the overall strengthening and the effective management of production, procurement, technology, and after sale service. We win the market by high quality products and services. At present, products have been exported to the US, Korea, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Hungary, UAE, Turkey, Iran, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Libya, Algeria, India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Mexico, Argentina, Chile and other countries and regions, praised by customers.